Friday, December 23, 2011

Hunstman Family Christmas/Birthday Party

We had our annual Huntsman Family Christmas Party and Brandon's.
Patty did Christmas Bingo.
Hudson preferred to hang out with Natalie.
The cousins were able to exchange gifts.  
Hudson was then able to open some birthday presents.  That is Hudson in the middle...
He had a lot of help...
Jeremy always says that he sees Brooklyn in Hudson.
Below is a picture with both of them.
Had to show off the presents.
We then had some cake and ice cream before the adults had the while elephant gift exchange.  The adults were supposed to play Minute To Win It that Tara had brought.  We were unable to play because I brought the gift that just keeps on giving with me(the flu).  The boys had already had it so I thought I was safe and ended up getting it the day after we got here.  It proceeded to go through almost everyone by Christmas Eve.
Hudson's excitement was gone as soon as the food was gone...
We have learned to really appreciate the times that we have to get together as a family.
It isn't that often now that we don't live in Utah.