Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pratt Family Christmas/Birthday Party

We got together with the family close to us to celebrate Christmas and three birthdays.  Erin and
Chad had us over.  We celebrated birthdays for Hudson, Jake, and Striker.  We had an awesome dinner and then had some Minute to Win it games Erin put together...

Hudson is lucky to have such great cousins...

Last year we weren't able to participate in the Christmas Party.  Hudson was being born.  Grandma Pratt and Uncle Robert were such good sports and tried the games.  This game is where you try to get a cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands.
I won the golf ball stacking contest.  After we had moved on to other games, Jeremy's dad got three.  Too little too late...
Corbin gave the Life Saver Stacking contest a try.
I didn't think that there was quite the competitive nature in Jeremy's family, but learned otherwise.  Burdette won the Life Saver Stacking contest...
Burdette wasn't quite as lucky/good at the noodle game.  Jeremy took Burdette and Robert.
After the games, we had some presents and then a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
McKenna and Hudson had the same reaction to Hannah getting goldfish...
Erin let us put Hudson in a carseat to try to give him some birthday cake.  He got the littlest bit on his hands and had had enough. 
This  is what I love about the Holidays and family.  We were so lucky to be able to get together with those close to us before going to Utah for Christmas.