Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Morning

Since Corbin sleeps upstairs at my parents' house, he saw some eggs left from the Easter Bunny.  My mom told him to get us so he could start his hunt.
Hudson woke up midway through the hunt.  He was more that willing to participate in the search.
The eggs took the boys to the baskets waiting for them in the tub.
The boys were so excited for the gifts and the baskets.  I love that they (Corbin) find so much joy and excitement in holidays like this!!!
My mom completely spoils us and makes breakfast for the boys every morning.  Corbin actually wakes up and wakes her up instead of us.  Which we really love.
Here are the boys in their Easter vests...
It was such a nice day.  I also got an Easter outfit.
We couldn't just leave Jeremy out...
It was so nice of my parents to welcome us to visit for Easter!!!