Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Months

I guess you can call us slackers for not posting anything since Corbin's 9 month check-up. Things have been a little busy with me going back to work for tax season.

Corbin is getting used to a baby sitter that isn't family. He stays upstairs from where I work during the day. I have found that in most cases, it makes things easier if I don't go up and visit. The first few days weren't the best, but he is now getting along great with her and the other kids.

We are still working on the stairs with Corbin. He is way too brave, and will climb the stairs constantly, but struggles to get down the right way.

Corbin pulls himself up on everything and is able to balance until he realizes that nothing is holding him up. He then allows himself to fall onto his rear to start crawling. Jeremy tries to trick him into taking steps, but he realizes that he isn't being physically supported and gives up.

I think we have been completely blessed and fortunate to have such a fantastic son... Especially for our first.


*Brittany* said...

Just wait until he starts walking... and then running... :)