Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting So Big

Corbin will be six weeks on Thursday and is getting so big. He even sleeps in his own bedroom now. I made the mistake of telling Jeremy that he took a nap in his crib, and Jeremy decided that meant that he could sleep in his own bed now. I have to admit that it is easier to sleep now not hearing every grunt, groan, or movement

One day while feeding him, I had the remote in my lap. I set him down to get ready to burp him and caught him holding the remote. I yelled for Jeremy and we got a picture to prove just how much he loves his remote. Who needs a teddy bear?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is already 6 weeks! Time goes by so fast. Seeing all your pictures remind me of when Dax was born and all the pics I took. We have so many that I still don't know what to do with them all, but we have very few of Memphis. I don't know why that is. Little Corbin is so stinkin cute!

Karli said...

so cute. i can totally see pratt in him now too. the one month pictures are darling. glad you are keeping up the blog too! it's so cute. he's darling and i love the hair. so fun...

we had to put gray in his own crib in his room at about six weeks too and i agree about the grunting...they can be so loud and i would wake up at the slightest noise. keep us posted! (: