Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hudson's 2 Week Pictures

We had some pictures taken of Hudson and a few with Corbin too.  We were so lucky to find that our neighbor just around the corner is a photographer.  This is one of those annoyingly long posts of just pictures, but we thing they are pretty cute...  Enjoy!!!



Natalie said...

Sooooo cute! I loved the announcement card too. Thanks!

Ashley said...

He is so dang cute! I love them ones with both boys!

Christie Moak said...

Congrats on the new little one!! I read your story about Hudson. It's scary to have them in the NICU and not knowing how long they will be in there, but I'm so glad he is ok and you have him home with you. The pictures are adorable.

Sabrina and BJ said...

So cute.. I can't believe you have 2 kids.. Thanks for remembering me.. I'm glad I got a Christmas card and announcement.. I miss you guys..