Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sticker Charts

After spending so much time with family in December, Corbin was having a hard time going to bed and staying in bed.  There was always an excuse.  Finally I started a sticker chart for him for staying in bed.  We gave him the choice of what he could earn and he said that he wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese when he completed the chart.  It took a long time, but he did it while my parents were here.
I think he enjoyed the fact that it was just him and us as much as it being Chuck E Cheese.
We didn't stay long or make it a big thing.  In fact, we were back home within two hours, but he enjoyed it.
I know some people think that bribery isn't good, but this actually worked out well and got him back in the habit of going to bed and staying in bed.


Natalie said...

I am all over bribery!!! Everybody wins!!! Looks like he had a great time!!! Good job Corbin!!!!!Yay!