Friday, April 22, 2011

Coloring Eggs

 This was the first year that we have colored eggs with Corbin.  
 We did this a few days before Easter since we knew there was going to be a busy weekend ahead.
 He had to show off the tool that was used to lift the eggs.
 We got the set that came with crayons and stickers with cars on them.  Corbin loved decorating.
Surprisingly, Corbin has found a new love for eating hard boiled eggs since then...


Denise said...

fun with crayons, coloring, and eggs. deal. cute pics of the kiddos! Beautiful house! Tell Jeremy to quit being so rich-o, he's makin' us poor folks look bad!! ha, ha!!

jeanette said...

I just now finally checked your blog. It was so fun to see all the blessing pictures and all you've been up to. Hudson is so cute and getting so big. Hope all is well. Give the boys a big hug from aunt jeanette.