Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick Boy...

A few weeks ago we noticed that Corbin was running a small fever.  Jeremy decided to take the next day off to be with Corbin since all of the kids at my work were also sick.  The next day, Jeremy noticed that Corbin was breathing so shallow.  He took him to the doctor to get checked out.  Last year Corbin got sick and was diagnosed as having asthmatic tendencies, so we've kept an eye out for this.  Sure enough, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and those darn asthmatic tendencies.  Part of his treatment was to have breathing treatments.  He didn't like them at all...

 We had to make sure that he got a treat after the treatments.  He loves popsicles.  It was about the only thing he would eat for a few days.
The treatments and the antibiotics did wonders for him.  It was crazy to see how much better he could breath after the treatments.  We've got to keep our eyes open and be ready for it again next year.
I knew that something was up when I came across this.  Corbin hasn't fallen asleep on his dad since he was about six months old.  I did like the fact that he was cuddly though...


The Hartley Family said...

I love it when they get snuggly, too bad it has to be cause they are sick. I am glad he is better. We miss you guys, let us know when your coming back up our way:)

Jocelyn Kay said...

I am glad everything is okay. Isn't is so sad when they are sick :(

Unknown said...

Poor little guy:(. I hope he gets feeling better.